What happened on November 3 ?

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R.C. Saints - November 3rd is the feast day of the following Roman Catholic Saints: St. Acepsimas

St. Cristiolus

St. Domnus of Vienne

St. Elerius

St. Englatius

St. Florus

St. Germanus

St. Guenhael

St. Hermengaudis

St. Hubert

St. Malachy O' More

St. Peter Francis Neron

St. Papulus


St. Pirmin

St. Martin de Porres

St. Quaratus

St. Valentinian

St. Valentine & Hilary

St. Vulganius

St. Winifred

Also see November 3 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)

Independence Day in Panama (1903, from Colombia), Dominica (1978, from Britain) and Federated States of Micronesia (1986, from France)

Japan - Culture Day (post 1946), Emperors Birthday (pre 1946)



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