What happened on April 23 ?

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UNESCO International Day of the Book in honor of Shakespeare's and Cervantes's death on April 23, 1616.

Catalonia - Lover's Day. Men receive a book as a gift from their romantic interest, while women receive roses. The book is in honor of Shakespeare's and Cervantes's death on April 23, 1616.

Turkey - National Sovereignty and Children's Day (1920)

Israel - Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israeli Independence Day) for 2007: (the observed date of this national holiday is determined by the Jewish Calendar).

Independence Day for the Conch Republic

National Beer Day in Germany

Feast Day of Saint George: Patron saint and National Day of England

Patron saint of the Spanish region of Aragón

Celebrated as St. Jordi's Day in Catalonia, presents of books and roses. See above.

Jurgi festival, in ancient Latvia

Saint Adalbert of Prague

Saint Gerard (d.1138)



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